Growing plants in water

Growing plants in water

Plants that Grow in Water: A No-Fuss Way to Grow Houseplants

I love indoor plants, but I'm not always great at taking care of them. That's why I've learned to focus on plants like succulents, cacti, and aloe vera. These plants don't need soil, so they're easy to keep alive and healthy. And because they don't require any soil, they're also less likely to attract pests. Plus, they're super cute and can be grown on a kitchen windowsill! Read on if you want to learn about plants that grow in a container!

Why focus on plants growing in water?

Plants that grow in water are great for your indoor garden because they provide you with several benefits. Here are five reasons why you should consider adding them to your collection.

  • Plants require less care when grown in water. If you're a neglectful gardener like me, or if your plants get overwatered, growing plants in water can be a low-care solution to keeping them alive. You can always keep a track of the water level.
  • Less mess! My plants stand, kitchen window sill, tables, and the countertop where I grow herbs under a grow light always have bits of soil scattered about the pots. Cat owners also know that our feline friends often like to dig in the soil of houseplants. Growing plants in water mean no messy soil to wipe up for regular care or pets.
  • Fewer pest problems. Indoor houseplants need less care than an outdoor garden. You can buy them at your local garden center or online. If you're not sure what kind of plant will grow well indoors, ask your local nursery to procure it for you or search online.
  • Get MORE Plants! Growing plant cuttings in water is an easier way to propagate indoor plants. Once clipped with a pair of scissors and placed in a vase of water, the stems and leaf nodes of tropical plants will produce roots. It may not take weeks or months for the root growth but once you've planted your plant in water, you'll be able to enjoy it for years to come.
  • Displaying a few stems of my houseplants in vases, glasses, or other containers.


Watering containers for plants that grow in water

Plants like to drink water. If you give them enough time, they'll drink all the water out of your containers. You can also put a saucer under your plant to catch any extra water.

  • Vases come in all shapes and sizes. They can be glass or ceramic, or even plastic. Be sure they're water-tight and don't have any leaks. A single stem or two will work best with a narrow neck to keep the plant upright. If you need something larger, try using a glass vase with a wider neck.
  • Glass Jars are useful for storing small items like screws, nails, bolts, nuts, washers, etc. They also come in handy when you need to store large items like tools, parts, or other materials. Jars are made out of glass, plastic, or metal. Glass containers are usually preferred because they are durable and easy to clean. Plastic jars are cheaper and easier to mold, but they tend to break easily. Metal jars are heavy.
  • Test tubes are great for displaying your houseplants in water. They come in different sizes and shapes, and there are even ones made specifically for growing cuttings. You can buy them at a science store, online, or even at a local garden center. Test tubes are perfect for displaying a collection of single stems, like those of succulents. They are also great for rooting cuttings in a small amount of water.
  • Plants that grow in water don't need direct sunlight, so they can be placed in containers like vases and bowls. There are countless styles and sizes available, from wood-mounted test tubes to wall-mounted glass globes, to wall-mounted vases.

Water plants: 4 steps to success.

Growing your own plants indoors is a great way to add fresh greenery to your home. You can start with a few simple seeds and watch them grow into beautiful plants.

  • Pick a type of plant that can be grown underwater. For suggestions, check my detailed list below.
  • The best time to start growing is when you have a healthy plant. If you have a cutting from an indoor plant, you will need to wait until it has at least two leaves before you cut it. If you have a piece from a friend, you may not have enough time to wait. Instead, you can take a cutting from a plant that is outdoors. Cut the stem from the mother plant just below a node. Remove any leaves that would be underwater or retain just a single leaf. Wait until the plant has at least three leaves.
  • Place the stems or leaves in fresh plain water or clean water. You may use bottled water, rainwater, or chlorinated tap water, but you must allow the water to stand for at least 24 hours before use. Chlorine will kill any bacteria in the water, but it also kills algae. If you use tap water, you should let it sit for at least 24 hours.
  • Move the plant to a spot that offers indirect light. Avoid areas near a heat source like fireplaces, wood stoves, heat pumps, or radiators.

Watering indoor plants

Growing plants in water is a great way to get them started. You just need to watch out for algae blooms. Algae is not harmful to your plants, but it does cause problems when it gets out of hand. If you notice any signs of algae blooms, you should add a few drops of plant fertilizer to the water. Fertilizers will help your plants grow and thrive.

If you want to propagate your plants, you will need to wait until they form roots. You can then remove them from the water, and place them in the soil. Most plants thrive best in indirect light, so if you plan to keep them in water for longer than a month, you should move them to a location with indirect light.

Stagnant water will also attract mosquito larvae. If you see any worms wriggling around in the water, then make sure you replace the water from the container and change it.

Water plants: 12 choices for indoor gardening

Plants can be grown indoors in pots or hanging baskets. There are many different types of plants that can be grown indoors. Some of the most popular houseplants include ferns, spider plants, philodendrons, Monstera deliciosa, arrowhead plants, pothos plants, peace lilies, African violet, Swiss cheese plant, begonias, and succulents. Tropical bulbs like paperwhites and hyacinths can also be grown during the holiday season. Vining plants are super easy to grow. They are excellent plants and hardy plants.

You can also grow your own veggies like a head of lettuce, garlic bulb, Stalk of celery, and Stems of carrot tops on a sunny windowsill. 

Chinese evergreen (Aglaonema species)

Chinese Evergreens are easy to grow and require very little attention. They are tolerant of low light conditions, making them perfect for indoor growing. They are also great for office or dorm room plants. There are many different varieties of Chinese Evergreens, each with its own unique leaf pattern and color. 

Chinese evergreen

Rubber plant (Ficus elastica)

Rubber Plants are easy to grow and require minimal care. You'll need a stem cutting, which is a 6-8" section of stem. Remove all leaves from the bottom half of the stem. Place the stem in a clean container of fresh water and keep it out from direct sunlight. Keep the plant somewhere where it gets lots of indirect light. In 3-4 months, small roots will appear and you can then transplant the plant into a larger pot or just let it grow in water.

Dumb cane (Dieffenbachia species)

Dieffenbachia is easy-to-grow plants that require little attention. They like bright light and tolerate temperatures down to about 50 degrees Fahrenheit. They need regular watering, but not too much. You can keep them in a pot or in the ground. If you put them in the ground, you should mulch around them to help retain moisture.

English ivy (Hedera helix)

Ivy is a climbing plant that grows fast and spreads quickly. It is also very hardy and can tolerate a wide range of conditions. Ivy is often used as a groundcover because it will spread and fill in areas that need covering. It is also useful for creating a shady area in your garden. Ivy is not invasive and does not require a lot of care. You can keep it watered and fertilize it regularly. Ivy likes full sun and moist soil. If you have a large amount of ivy growing in your yard, you may want to cut it back every year to encourage new growth.

English ivy

Heartleaf philodendron (Philodendron hederaceum)

Heartleaf philodendrons are easy to care for and require minimal maintenance. They grow well in a range of conditions, including low light, high humidity, and cool temperatures. They prefer soil rich in nutrients but will tolerate a wide range of pH levels. They also enjoy moderate amounts of sunlight. For best results, choose a healthy specimen and remove any dead or damaged leaves. Cut back the top of the plant every few months to encourage branching. Water regularly, especially during dry spells. A regular feeding schedule is not necessary, but if you notice your plants looking a bit sad, give them a boost with a small amount of fertilizer. 

Devil’s ivy (Epipremnum aureum)

This is a climbing vine that has a vining habit. It is an evergreen plant. Its stems will trail down as they grow, making it ideal for hanging baskets, planters, and other vertical spaces. It also likes to climb, so if you give it something to climb, like an old fence post, it will grow upwards.

Lucky bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana)

Lucky bamboo is not actually bamboo at all, but rather a type of dracaena. The thick, straight stalks are often bundled together in groups of 2 or more, with many twisted and braided into intricate shapes. When growing lucky bamboo, you will need to provide them with plenty of water and indirect sunlight. Lucky bamboo does best in bright, indirect light, and can be grown in containers of water filled with pebbly rocks to support the stems. Fertilizing your lucky bamboo once per month or so with a very weak solution will help promote healthy growth.Lucky bamboo

Spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

Spider plants can be grown indoors or outdoors. They are easy to grow and require minimal care. Spider plants are often used as houseplants because they are straightforward to maintain and the green leaves are a sight for sore eyes. They need bright light and should not be placed near heat sources. Water them regularly and keep them away from direct sunlight. Change the water every week or so if it gets cloudy.Spider plant

Coleus (Solenostemon scutellarioides)

Coleus is a genus of flowering plants in the mint family Lamiaceae. There are about 200 species in the genus, all native to tropical regions of Africa, Asia, Australia, and South America. Coleus plant is also called colewort, columbine, and New Zealand spinach.

Begonia (Begonia species)

Begonia is easy to grow and care for. They thrive in bright light and need regular watering. They like to be kept moist, but not soggy. If you keep them in a pot, they will need to be repotted every few months. You can plant them in soil, but they prefer to be planted in the water.Begonia

Sweet potato vine (Ipomoea batatas)

Vigorously growing sweet potato vines are a great addition to any garden. There are many varieties available, including the classic lime green heart-shaped leaves. Vines can grow up to four to five feet long and will produce flowers in spring. Leaves come in a variety of colors, ranging from burgundy to purple, and foliage shapes are also varied for layers of interesting patterns. Sweet potatoes are easy to grow and require very little care. Cuttings should be taken in late fall, and planted in early spring.

Sweet potato vine

What are your favorite types of plants that grow in water, and why?

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Extra reading 

All about Monstera

Money plant-A plant you can't kill even if you try

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Happy Gardening, 

Dr Vandana