Companion Plants for Tomatoes: The Best Plants to Grow with Tomatoes

Companion Plants for Tomatoes: The Best Plants to Grow with Tomatoes

Companion plants are plants that have mutually beneficial relationships when grown near each other, such as providing protection or improving growth of tomatoes. These plants can be used to enhance the garden's ecosystem and help create a balanced environment for crops. Some companion plants may repel pests, provide nutrients, protect from wind and sun damage, increase soil fertility, attract beneficial insects, and more. Common tomato companion plants include basil, carrots, chives, garlic, marigolds, nasturtiums, oregano, parsley, and rosemary.

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Basil is one of the most popular companion plants for tomatoes, as they both belong to the same family of plants. It's an aromatic herb with a sweet and pungent flavor that adds a great depth of flavor to dishes featuring tomatoes. Basil can help to enhance the growth and yield of tomatoes, and it can also deter certain types of pests such as aphids, spider mites, and whiteflies.


Amaranth is an excellent companion plant for tomatoes. This hardy annual, also known as Chinese Spinach, is a great source of nutrition and can be used in salads and stir-fries. It grows quickly and tolerates heat well, making it an ideal companion for tomatoes. Additionally, its height makes it a great choice to provide some shade for your tomato plants when the weather gets too hot.


Chives are a great companion plant to grow alongside tomatoes. They will deter common tomato pests such as aphids, spider mites, and other small insects. Chives also help improve the flavor of your tomatoes with their strong onion-like aroma. Additionally, chives can fertilize soil by releasing nitrogen into the soil which helps promote healthy plant growth. Growing chives alongside your tomatoes will provide a great flavor and also help protect your plants from garden pests.

French Marigolds

Marigolds are one of the best penion plants for tomatoes as they can help to deter some of the most common tomato pests, such as root-knot nematodes and certain types of beetles. Marigolds also have an aromatic scent that helps to repel other harmful insects, including whiteflies . Planting marigolds around or near your tomatoes will help to protect them from pests and provide beautiful color to your garden.



Nasturtiums are bright and colorful annual plants that make a great companion for tomatoes. These flowering plants are not only attractive, but also repel many pests that might otherwise harm your tomato plants. Additionally, nast urtiums are great for increasing soil fertility. They help to enrich the soil by adding nitrogen and other essential nutrients, which helps promote healthy growth of tomatoes.


Dill is an aromatic herb with feathery green leaves that can be used in many culinary dishes. It has a pungent flavor that pairs well with fish, chicken, and potatoes. It's also an excellent companion plant for tomatoes.

When planted near tomatoes, dill helps to repel harmful pests such as aphids and spider mites. Its strong scent also masks the scent of the tomatoes, which can help to deter some pests. Additionally, dill helps to enrich the soil by adding nitrogen and other essential nutrients which helps promote healthy plant growth.


Thyme is a fragrant herb that makes an excellent companion plant for tomatoes. It grows well in sunny, dry locations and can thrive in the same soil as tomatoes. When planted near tomatoes, thyme helps deter harmful insects and may even improve the flavor of the tomatoes. The strong scent of thyme helps to repel some undesirable pests such as whiteflies and aphids, making it an ideal companion for tomatoes.


Cilantro is an excellent companion plant for tomatoes. It acts as a natural pest repellent, deterring aphids, spider mites, and some other insects that are harmful to tomato plants. Cilantro also helps to repel nematodes, which can cause root rot in tomatoes. The fragrant leaves of the cilantro plant can also help mask the scent of the tomato plants, making it less attractive to certain insects. Additionally, cilantro can help improve the flavor and taste of tomatoes. 


Oregano is an herb that makes a great companion for tomatoes. This versatile plant helps to improve the flavor and aroma of tomatoes when planted near them in the garden. It can also help to repel certain pests, such as tomato hornworms and aphids, which may be attracted to tomato plants. In addition, oregano is known for its medicinal qualities and can help protect tomato plants from disease.


Carrots are a great companion plant for tomatoes. Carrots and tomatoes both prefer full sun and well-drained, fertile soil, so they can grow together easily. Not only do they look attractive when grown together, but carrots can actually improve the health and yield of your tomato plants! Carrots help deter harmful pests such as aphids and tomato hornworms from attacking your tomatoes, making it a great addition to any tomato garden.


Garlic is a great companion plant for tomatoes. It has been used for centuries to improve the flavor of tomatoes and help protect them from pests and diseases. Garlic contains compounds that deter harmful insects, such as aphids, as well as fungi that can cause blight or other diseases. The sulfur compounds in garlic may also increase the flavor of tomatoes when they are grown together. Additionally, garlic can help to improve the soil quality of your garden by releasing essential nutrients into the soil.


Lettuce is an excellent companion plant for tomatoes. This cool-weather crop can be planted alongside tomatoes in the early spring, and will provide them with a shade canopy as the summer months heat up. Lettuce also helps to suppress weeds and it's shallow roots system won't compete with the deeper root systems of the tomato plants. Additionally, lettuce grown near tomatoes will also benefit from their nutrient-rich soil and can help to improve the flavor of tomatoes.


Petunia is a great for companion planting with tomatoes! Petunias are a beautiful, flowering annual that can bring vibrant color to any garden. Not only do petunias look gorgeous in the summer months, they also help to protect your tomato plants from pests and diseases. Petunias attract beneficial insects such as bees and ladybugs which feed on harmful pests like aphids and mites. They also emit a scent that can help to mask the smell of the tomatoes, making them less attractive to certain pests.

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Extra reading

Tomato pests and diseases

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Happy Gardening!

Dr. Vandana K.