How to Grow Hibiscus indoors

How to Grow Hibiscus indoors

It’s easy to grow hibiscus indoors. With their big showy flowers, they add great beauty to the indoor spaces. Hibiscus comes in a variety of colors. You can choose the color which suits your indoors.


Here is how you can grow Hibiscus indoors

Hibiscus Propagation

Both stem cuttings and air layering methods are used for propagating hibiscus. The former is commonly used.

The early summer or spring is a good season to start propagation. Take 4-6 inches long cutting, remove any flowers or leaves on the bottom of the cutting, and plant cutting in moist potting mix. You can use rooting hormone but hibiscus cuttings can produce roots without rooting hormone.

Place the pot in a warm place with mild sunlight exposure. Bright sun can be harmful to the cutting. After 4-8 weeks, roots appear and they can be planted in a bigger pot.

Hibiscus Varieties to Grow Indoors

Hibiscuses come in many different shapes and sizes, from small annuals to large trees and shrubs. However, not all types of hibiscuses can be successfully cultivated indoors. You need to look for dwarf hybrids that grow between two and three feet high.

There are several good hibiscus varietals to grow inside, including Bahama Mama, Blushing Bellini, Cherry Mojito, Island Hurricane, Rum Runner Remix, and Sunrise Mimosa.

Choosing a Pot

Choose a large container (at least 10" deep) that has adequate drainage pores. 

Buy Containers


Hibiscus plants need at least 5-6 hours of direct sunlight every day for them to flower. If not they won't be able to bloom properly. Place the pot facing the South or Southeast direction. 


Hibiscus plants require regular water during their growing season. However, they dislike wet soils so be sure to provide proper drainage.


Use loose, loamy soil with good water drainage capacity. the compact soil can cause water drainage problems which will kill the plant eventually. Regular potting soil, peat moss, and vermiculite or perlite in a 2:2:1 ratio can give the best results.

Buy Planting mix


The ideal environment for hibiscus is somewhere around 15-25 degree Celsius. Hibiscus can tolerate higher temperatures as it is a tropical plant. Continuous low temperatures below 12 degrees celsius can damage the plant.


Although Hibiscus plants are heavy feeders, you should fertilize them moderately when growing them indoors. Apply all-purpose fertilizer when your plant is well established. Fertilize every four weeks during the flowering period, decreasing it in winter. Add compost that is rich in potassium.

Buy Organic Fertilizers


Don't use a too large pot. Repot them every one or two years. Overcrowded roots and wilting plants are the signs that plants need repotting.


If you don't prune them, they'll overgrow. Cut back one-third of the selected and crowded branch, once or twice a season. It will help the tree grow well.

Buy Secateur

Pests and Diseases

Hibiscus plants are prone to be infested by mealy bugs, aphids, white flies, and red spider mites. So make sure you give them plenty of water and sunlight. Spray hibiscus with organic insecticides if you see any pest activity.

If you're growing an indoor hibiscus plant indoors, be sure not to overwater it. Overly wet soils lead to root rot.


Buy Hibiscus plant (white)

Buy Hibiscus plant (pink)

Buy Hibiscus plant (red)

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Happy Gardening!

Dr. Vandana K.