Peace Lily: Ultimate Guide to grow and care

Peace Lily: Ultimate Guide to grow and care

Peace lilies, when planted indoors, are eye-catching with their white bracts and dark glossy green foliage. These bracts are modified leaves that encircle the small flowers hidden beneath them.

Because of its low maintenance requirements and proven air-purifying benefits recognized in the NASA clean air study, the peace lily is among the most beloved houseplants. It can thrive without direct sunlight, too!

Peace Lily

How to grow Peace lily?


It thrives in a warm, shady spot with consistent temperatures; this is why the plant prospers indoors as a houseplant. Therefore, consider placing your houseplant somewhere in your home that has access to bright indirect sunlight and a few hours of morning light.

Potting mix

Peace Lily plants do best in soils that are high in organic matter. When selecting the potting mix, you should look out for coarse sand, perlite, composted bark, peat, well-rotted compost, and other organic matter, such as leaf mold, to create the ideal growing environment.

It's important that the potting mix be light and well-draining. You can make your own at home or purchase a pre-made potting mix specifically for houseplants.


A pot that is 8-10 inches wide and deep should provide enough space for a mature peace lily plant. When planting the lily, it can begin in a smaller 6-8 inch container. If you are growing multiple lilies, a large 12-inch pot will be required.

When the plant becomes too big for its pot, you can either move it to a larger container or divide the rootball and repot.


Peace lilies require consistently moist soil, while indoor ones should remain slightly moist. Water only when the topsoil is slightly dry,

Generally, the frequency for watering should be within 5 to 10 days, depending on the factors such as light intensity, weather conditions, temperature, and pot size.


Any balanced fluid interior plant fertilizer like 20-20-20 weakened down to a quarter or half of the suggested strength is fitting. Apply it following each 2-4 weeks in the growing period or when the plant requires supplements.


When a peace lily has outgrown its existing pot, it must be transferred to a more spacious one. If you are alert to the signs, you will realize it is time for repotting. Some tell-tale indicators include the increased necessity for watering, decaying foliage, congested roots that show on the surface, and emerging new plants surrounding the original plant. Repotting can normally be performed once every 1-2 years.

Pests and Diseases

Although rare, aphids, spider mites, and mealybugs may be a problem for the plant. You can clean the leaves to rid them of pests or even pick them off manually. If the infestation is too severe, you should use insecticidal soap as a solution to spray on the plant.

Browning and wilting leaves can be a sign of insufficient watering, lack of humidity, or over-fertilizing.

Peace Lily

Buy Peace lily

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Extra reading

Overwatering Peace lilies

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Happy Gardening!

Dr. Vandana K.