These are some of the best fruit peels you can use as fertilizers for your plants. They're an organic way to help grow your greens! If you're throwing away those fruit peels in the trash, you might miss out on some valuable nutrients that could otherwise help your plants grow.
If you want to use fruit peels as fertilizers, here's some good advice.
1. Banana Peels
Bananas are a great source of potassium. It also contains magnesium, and vitamin C. Adding Banana peels to soil encourages plant growth, increases flower and fruit production, and gives a healthy boost to your garden.
You can also add banana peel to the compost pile to increase its nutrient content. You can use it for growing vegetables like peppers, chilis, and potatoes for a bumper crop!
2. Orange Peels
You can use orange peels to fertilize plants and improve the soil structure. They also provide essential nutrients like potassium, iron, calcium, and citric acid.
You can also grind the orange peels with water and nutrient rich liquid soil supplement.
3. Pomegranate Peels
Pomegranates contain potassium, iron, calcium, copper, phosphorous, and zinc. These ingredients can improve the nutrient content of the soil, which improves plant health and yields.
4. Mango Peels
Mangoes are an excellent source of vitamins A and C, and dietary fiber. They're a great organic fertilizer for your plants.
Put the peeled in a jar, add one glass of water, and close the top tightly. Let it sit for 1- 2 days. Next day, stir the solution and let it sit for another day. Grind the solution with water. You can give this solution to plants every 4-6 weeks.
5. Lemon Peels
Lemons are a good source of many nutrients. Phosphorus, nitrogen, and potassium are some of them. Adding lemons to compost makes them even better for plants.
You can use the citrus peel to acidify the ground. Simply sprinkle it on top of the ground and then stir it up.
Dry the lemon peels and powder them. Adding this powder to the soil will improve flower bearing and growth of the plant.
6. Papaya Peels
Research has shown that adding Papaya peels to the soil can benefit the plants more than commercial fertilizer.
Papaya peels are a good source of protein, fiber, and minerals. Regular use helps in the growth of leaves, leaf area, plant height, stem growth, shoot, root biomass, and root length.
7. Grapefruit Peels
Grapefruit peeling includes potassium and phosphorus that help plant growth. These nutrients help produce more fruits and flowers.
Cut the Grapefruit peels into small pieces before adding them to the soil. You also dry the peels, grind them, and add this powder to the soil.
8. Apple Peels
Apples contain lots of nutrients that could benefit your plants like iron, calcium, and phosphorus.
Collect the peels and grind them to make a solution. You can also add a tablespoon of coffee powder to make the solution nutrient rich.
Think before tossing away these fruit peels
Next step
Gardener services
Landscaping services
Online nursery
Organic pesticides and fertilizers
Extra reading
How to Grow Plants Faster and Bigger at Home
Difference between permaculture and organic gardening
Happy Gardening!
Dr. Vandana K.