Keep The Gardening Tools Clean

Keep The Gardening Tools Clean

Keeping your gardening equipment clean helps prevent rusting, keeps them working well for longer, and prevents the spread of disease from one plant to another.
Many people don't think to clean their tools after a long gardening session. But it is important to clean and carefully store them.

Clean the tools to prevent the spread of diseases.

When you prune or cut a diseased plant, clean it before using the same tool on the next plant. This will prevent the spreading of diseases.

You can clean the tools by dipping them in the solution containing household bleach and water in the ration 1:99. You can also use tea tree oil to wipe the tools to sterilize them.

Using a scrubbing brush is a good idea to remove any soil from the blade and shaft.

Sharpening the tools

After using gardening tools, don't forget to shar­pen them.

You can use the sharping stone to sharpen the tools. It also removes the sticky plant sap on cutting and pruning tools. 

Gardening Tools Clean

Storage of tools

If you store your tools properly, they last longer. Do not leave your tools on the ground. Clean and store them in the right way. Do not store the garden tools where there is too much humidity. The air and water lead to rusting of the tools.
Wash the tools, remove the mud stuck in the tools, dry and store them.

Gardening Tools Clean

Buy Gardening tools 

Next step

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Extra reading

All the gardening tools you will require

Name things that gardeners need 

All about mulch

Designing a home garden 

How to start gardening 


Happy Gardening!

Dr. Vandana K.