Drought Tolerant plants

Drought Tolerant plants

With less water availability, gardening has become costly for most of us. But some plants require less frequent watering than others. Here are some drought-tolerant plants.

1. Agave

Botanical Name: Agave

Agave plants store water in their thick leaves, allowing them to survive without water for long periods. They're grown by landscapers because they require less care and have unique leaf shapes.


2. Adenium

Botanical Name: Adenium obesum

Known as "Desert Rose," Adenium is a tropical plant that needs occasional watering. It grows best in full sunlight and can also be kept indoors in cooler weather.

3. Jade Plant

Botanical Name: Crassula ovata

Jade plants are often used for decoration because they feature fleshy paddle-shaped foliage. They also bring good fortune.

Jade Plant

Buy Jade plant

4. Cacti and Succulents

Cactus come in various varieties and performs surprisingly well even when grown in containers. They're ideal for growing in arid conditions and can also be grown indoors.

Buy Pachyphytum here

5. Bougainvillea

Botanical Name: Bougainvillea

Bougainvilleas are tough plants that thrive under harsh conditions. They're among the most resilient shrub species that can thrive with low maintenance.


Buy Bougainvillea plant

6. Moss Rose

Botanical Name: Portulaca grandiflora

Moss roses are a flowering plant that grows well in dry, poor soil but cannot withstand frost. They can be grown in hanging baskets and are suitable as ground covers.

Buy Moss rose (Portulaca grandiflora)

7. Oleander

Botanical Name: Nerium oleander

Oleanders produce beautiful fragrant flowers of various colors, including yellow, pink, red, and white. They're toxic.

Buy Oleander plant

8. Sage

Botanical Name: Salvia officinalis

Sage is an aromatic herb that is tolerant to drought. Overwatering sage plants can cause them to die quickly.


Buy Sage Plant

9. Crown of Thorns

Botanical Name: Euphorbia milii

Euphorbia mili­ tolerates the scarcity of water well and doesn't need any special care. It blooms almost every season in an environment that stays dry, warm, and free from frost.

10. Pineleaf Penstemon

Botanical Name: Pineleaf Penstemon

Pineleaf Penstemons are herbaceous perennials that grow well even with low maintenance. They bloom beautiful red-colored flower heads that attract hummingbirds and butterflies.

11. Geraniums

Botanical Name: Pelargonium spp.

Most types of geraniums tolerate drought and heat well. Once the plants get  established, they're likely to survive even if you don't water them regularly.


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Extra reading

Growing Tips for Moss rose

How to grow succulents
13 Fresh Herbs to Grow in Your Kitchen Window
Sun loving flowering plants

How to grow Nasturtium?


Happy Gardening!

Dr. Vandana K.