Best Indoor Plants For Health

Best Indoor Plants For Health

Health is such an important and vital part of our life. We might have wealth, fame, power in abundance but if our health is not good, then we wont be able to live life to the fullest and everything else becomes meaningless. Mental health is just as important as physical health if not more. Some important psychological benefits of plants include alleviating psychological stress, reducing mental health issues and reduces anxiety symptoms. 

The health benefits of houseplants are well documented. They purify indoor air quality, reduce allergens, improve mood, boost energy levels, promote relaxation, and assist with insomnia. They’ve even been shown to lower blood pressure.

The indoor plants prefer a spot where they can receive indirect sunlight or indirect light and natural light is preferred. A sunny spot by the window would be the perfect place for your indoor houseplants. Direct sunlight or complete dark corner should be avoided. A humid environment works best for the indoor house plants. Moist soil should be maintained and not soggy overwatered soil. The right conditions ensures that they are low-maintenance plants. 

Best Plants for Cleaning Indoor Air

Some plants filter out air pollutants, including formaldehyde, benzene, xylene, ammonia, carbon monoxide, radon gas, and tobacco smoke. Others clean the air by absorbing odors, like those from pet urine and cigarette smoke. And still others provide oxygen and improves the indoor environment.

English Ivy

English ivy is one of the most popular houseplants because it doesn’t require a lot of care and it looks great in any room. It has long leaves that grow from a central stem and it will spread by sending out runners along the ground. The leafy plant grows best at temperatures between 60°F and 75°F .

Bamboo Palm

The bamboo palm is native to tropical Asia and Africa and was introduced into Europe in the 17th century. It is hardy and easy to grow, but it needs plenty of light and water. It thrives in warm weather and tolerates dry soil. The green plant is soothing and calming.

Chinese Evergreen

Bamboo palms are common houseplants which require relatively little maintenance, making them ideal for those who don't want to spend a lot of time tending to plants. They're also drought tolerant, so if you live in an area where it's common for plants to die during droughts, this plant will survive.

Peace Lily

The peace lily has long been used in Chinese medicine for its ability to calm nerves, relieve stress, and improve mental clarity. It’s also known for its ability to reduce inflammation and boost immunity.


The rubber tree is native to South East Asia and Australia. It is a perfect indoor plant as it requires bright light which is indirect and the leaves are very pretty. There are many types of variegated rubber plants with pretty patterns on the leaves. 


Pothos or Money plant is a climbing plant found throughout the tropical regions of the world. This plant is commonly seen growing in hanging baskets in homes, offices and restaurants.

Golden Pothos Plant

The pothos plant is a long-lived perennial that has a great ability to climb vertical surfaces. It needs a minimum temperature of around 10 degrees Celsius during wintertime but it will grow well at temperatures between 15 and 25 degrees Celsius .


With its bright green leaves and beautiful flowers, this plant is one of the most popular houseplants available today. It is easy to care for and requires only moderate light and water.

Fittonia 'Frankie'

This plant has gained popularity because of its ability to grow well in shady areas where few others will thrive. The leaves contain a high concentration of vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and zinc. The oil extracted from the leaves is used in soaps, lotions, shampoos, and hair conditioners. It can be added to salad dressings and mayonnaise.


Ferns are not only pretty but they are also useful! They can provide food, medicine, housing, clothing, fuel, and building material. Some species are used as ornamentals, some are used as houseplants, and others are grown commercially for their edible fronds.

The Boston fern is a small, evergreen plant native to eastern North America. It gets its name from the resemblance it bears to the city of Boston, Massachusetts. It is the most common type of indoor fern.


Bromeliads are tropical flowering plants that grow in many parts of the world. They are easy to care for and require little maintenance. They come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, and some bromeliads even produce fruit.

Snake plant

The snake plant is often used as a houseplant because it grows quickly and has beautiful foliage. It can tolerate temperatures down to 0°F , but not below -10°F . This makes it ideal for colder climates where people don't want to spend all day outside in freezing weather.

Spider plant

This is a tropical houseplant from South America. It's called a spider plant because it looks like a bunch of spiders hanging off a vine. The baby spider plants look like tiny green spiders too! 


The dracaena family includes some of the world's most popular houseplants. There are many types with a wide range of colourful leaves. 

Ficus/Weeping Fig

This tree grows best in tropical regions but will survive just about anywhere if it gets enough water. It needs plenty of sun and light, so keep it near a window. If you don't have space for this type of plant indoors, try growing it in a pot.

Aloe Vera

The aloe vera plant has numerous health benefits, including being able to reduce stress levels, boost energy, improve digestion, heal wounds, fight infections, relieve pain, and prevent skin damage from UV rays. Aloe vera is known for its healing properties, including soothing burns, cuts, scrapes, and skin irritations. It's also used to relieve sunburn and ease sore muscles.

Monstera deliciosa 

Monsteras are one of the most common house plants with its monster like huge leaves hence the name Monstera. The species name deliciosa is because of the delicious tasting edible fruits which have a pleasant aroma and a floral scent. 

7 Science-Backed Benefits of Indoor Plants

Indoor plants don't just beautify our homes; they also improve air quality, reduce allergies, lower blood pressure, and boost mood.

1. Indoor plants may help reduce stress levels

Research has found that people who live in greener environments tend to feel less stressed. Plants provide us with oxygen, and absorb the carbon dioxide which we breathe out into the air. This process helps purify indoor air.

2. Real plants may sharpen your attention

The study found that people who lived in greener homes were better able to focus their attention than those who lived in darker homes. They also reported feeling calmer and happier. It’s thought that this could be because green spaces increase our exposure to sunlight, which influences our circadian rhythms.

3. Working with plants can be therapeutic

Plants are often used as a form of therapy. For example, aromatherapy involves using essential oils from different parts of plants to improve mood and reduce stress. Some therapists believe that gardening can be beneficial for mental health too.

4. Plants may help you recover from illness faster

If you’ve recently had surgery, or are recovering from an infection, it might speed up your recovery if you eat lots of fresh vegetables. This is because some plant compounds called phytochemicals can stop inflammation and promote healing.

5. Plants may boost your productivity

In fact, growing plants are one of the most easy ways to improve your health and well being and improve the ecosystem as well.

6. Plants may improve your whole outlook on work

Plants don't just give us food, they're also a source of vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants, and phytonutrients. They're a great way to reduce stress and lower blood pressure, and they can improve our mood.

7. Plants may improve the quality of indoor air

Indoor air pollution is one of the biggest health threats we face today. It's linked to asthma, allergies, lung disease, heart attacks, strokes. Better air quality helps reduce asthma symptoms. 


List of Indoor Herbal Plants for Health to Grow in Bangalore

You can get your indoor plants like Money plant, Golden pothos, Spider plant, Snake plant, Rubber plant, Ferns, Peace lily, Areca palm, Dracaena, Ficus, Aloe vera, Aglaonema, Rhapis palm and many more from our online store,


FAQ in Indoor Plants for Health

Which Houseplants Are Good For Health?

The best house plants for health include spider plants, peace lilies, ferns, philodendrons, pothos, snake plant, English ivy, and spider plant. They don’t require a lot of light and they grow well indoors.

Can houseplants trigger allergies or asthma?

Yes, houseplant allergens can cause allergic reactions in some people. If you suffer from allergies or asthma, it’s important to keep your indoor air clean by using a HEPA filter and cleaning regularly. Also, if you notice any symptoms, see your doctor immediately.

Which Plants Are Best for Cleaning the Air?

Aglaonema, Rubber plant, Areca palm, Money plant, Peace lily are some of the best plants for cleaning indoor air pollutants.

How Can I Boost My Mood and Mental Health Naturally?

Growing plants and taking care of them is the best way to improve mental health issues.

Where can I buy indoor plants for health online in Bangalore?


Get Help From an Expert

Want help maintaining your indoor plants ? Get in touch with us at or call us at  918880482000 for any queries. We can help you with your plants.