Bell-shaped flowers are some of the most beautiful and popular types of flowers around. They come in a wide range of colors, sizes, and shapes, with striking blooms that make for an unforgettable sight!
Here are 15 bell-shaped flowers that are perfect for any garden:
1. Yellow oleander
Botanical Name: Cascabela thevetia
Mexican oleander is a plant that can be either a big bush or a small tree, and it has pointed, dark green foliage. Generally, flowers are yellow, but some varieties have white and orange blooms as well.
2. Fuchsia
Botanical Name: Fuchsia
Fuchsia is an ornamental shrub or small tree that produces attractive flowers. The flowers are quite ornate; they hang down in teardrop shape and are abundant during the summer and fall.
3. Tecoma
Botanical Name: Tecoma stans
Commonly called the firecracker or the coral plant, these slender red and white color flowers attract many sunbirds.
4. Flowering Maple
Botanical Name: Abutilon
It is also called Indian Mallow. It has gorgeous flowers in different colors. Their small stature makes them suitable for container gardening.
5. Golden trumpet vine
Botanical Name: Allamanda
This is a flowering climber that looks lovely on a pergola of a roof. It has a woody stem and prefers a surface that it can use as support to fall over.
6. Firecracker plant
Botanical Name: Russelia equisetiformis
Commonly called the firecracker or the coral plant, these slender red and white color flowers attract many sunbirds.
7. Bleeding-heart vine
Botanical Name: Clerodendrum thomsoniae
It is an evergreen liana growing up to 4m. The small, flat flowers have balloon-like white calyxes from which emerge brilliant crimson or dark red corollas with prominent stamens and style that extend way beyond the petals, which gives them the name "Bleeding-heart vine."
8. Silver trumpet tree
Botanical Name: Tabebuia argentea
It is a small deciduous tree. The flowers are a bright shade of yellow and grow in groups or clusters. This ornamental tree is popular in tropical and subtropical climates, mainly because of its beautiful flowers that appear at the end of the dry season on leafless shoots.
9. Ganges Primrose
Botanical Name: Asystasia gangetica
Ganges Primrose is commonly known as the Chinese violet or creeping foxglove. This ornamental plant is a spreading herb used as groundcover.
10. Bengal Clock vine
Botanical Name: Thunbergia grandiflora
It is an evergreen vine with blue to mauve flowers. They attract birds and butterflies, especially bumble bees. They have a deep root system. With their rope-like stem, these plants can reach a height of 15m when supported by a host tree. Bengal trumpet vine spread vigorously.
11. The Laurel Clockvine
Botanical Name: Thunbergia laurifolia
It is a perennial herbaceous climber. It bears lavender-blue blooms. The unscented, trumpet-shaped flowers are borne on drooping clusters.
12. King's Mantle
Botanical Name: Thunbergia erecta
It is a commonly cultivated plant. Unlike other Thunbergias, this plant is an erect shrub. King's mantle is a hardy plant. The elongated bell-shaped flowers amidst lush green leaves add a lot of beauty to your garden. They are great plants to plant in hedges and borders.
13. Morning Glory
Botanical Name: Ipomoea sp
Morning glory is one of the most popular garden plants for attracting birds, butterflies, and other pollinating insects.
14. Petunia
Botanical Name: Petunia
Pretty petunias can be grown anywhere, anytime, and they'll brighten any spot in your yard. You can plant them directly into the ground or put them in pots if you want to keep them indoors. They come in a variety of colors.
15. Spatika
Botanical Name: Barleria
It is known as December Flower as it blooms in December and is normally strung into garlands of flowers for women to wear in their hair.
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Organic pesticides and fertilizers
Extra reading
Flowers that Thrive in Poor Soil
Winter Indoor Flowering Plants
12 months flowering plants in India
Happy Gardening!
Dr. Vandana K.