If you've ever seen a Snow White Aglaonema, you know it's a stunning plant. Even better, it's one of the easiest houseplants to take care of! It can thrive in low-level light and doesn't need too much water. Not only do these plants bring beauty to any space, but they also improve air quality!
There are wide varieties of Aglaonema. Aglaonema snow white or Aglaonema snowflake is one of them. The plant is well-known for its white and green patterned leaves that can become quite tall with age. This plant requires minimal maintenance.
Aglaonema plant care
Certain varieties of plants can thrive in indirect light, making them popular low-light options. Aglaonemas with green leaves can tolerate low lighting, whereas the variegated ones should be kept in an area with lots of indirect sunlight to keep their beautiful markings. Aglaonema plants do well when exposed to the morning sun.
Turn the plant every week to ensure that it gets even lighting and keeps its leaves healthy.
The soil should be slightly moist but also have good drainage. You can choose either an orchid soil mix or a standard potting soil for houseplants. When selecting a medium, ensure that it is capable of draining off excess water promptly.
This plant can handle some dryness but should not be allowed to go without water for an extended period of time. Only water the plant when the top layer of soil has dried out. Don't get the leaves wet.
The plant requires minimal care in terms of feeding. To help the growth of your plants and give them extra support, you can use a balanced liquid fertilizer every two months.
Re-pot Aglaonema into a pot that is one size larger or two inches wider than the previous one and replace the potting soil every 2-3 years. This plant thrives when slightly root-bound, so a few roots poking out of the drainage holes is acceptable.
Pests and Diseases
Aphids, mealy bugs, red spider mites, and scale insects can all affect Aglaonema plants. You can eliminate them either manually or with insecticidal soap.
Aglaonema can be infected by fungi leaf spots. This can lead to changes in leaf color and the presence of holes in the foliage. However, a light spray of copper fungicide should do the trick.
Aglaonema plant contains insoluble calcium oxalates, making it mildly poisonous to cats and dogs. Eating it may lead to temporary side effects like swelling of the tongue, drooling, vomiting, and loss of appetite.
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Gardener services
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Online nursery
Organic pesticides and fertilizers
Extra reading
How to Grow Areca Palm Indoors?
17 Home Planting Tips for Beginners in Bangalore
25 Incredible Ways to Decorate With Plants
Philodendron Xanadu | Plant with exotic leaves
Happy Gardening!
Dr. Vandana K.